

Beroepstraining Antroposofie Start Vrijdag

BTA : Start Najaar 2023, Vrijdagen. Wil je je innerlijke geestelijke leven meer verbinden met je dagelijkse werkleven? Wil je gezamenlijk verkennen wat er in de wereld nodig is en…

“When a group of people sit together and really practice listening to each other, there may come a time when the group is suddenly interesting to the spirit world—if I may put it so domestically. Suddenly the fact in the world becomes visible to the archangel sphere. Then this atmosphere can intervene at a given moment. But it only intervenes as long as the spirit is actually present with us and then it immediately returns. If you are trained in this and have a feeling for it, you can experience: today was a moment. (…) That is actually in the highest sense of the word what I have called social sensitivity: feeling, the ability to pay attention to there can be moments like that.”

- Bernard Lievegoed -
(in Collaboration Forms, 1988, pp. 72-73